The Moolah Moose Club is a savings account just for KIDS!
Start your children early on their journey to becoming money smart. Bring your student into the bank at the end of each grading period so he/she can be paid $1 for every A on their report card!
Moolah Moose Club Savings Account Features:
- Kids in preschool thru 12th Grade
- Receive $1 for every A (or the equivalent of)
- $10 maximum deposit in account per grading period
- Student report card required for verification
- No Minimum Opening Deposit
- No Service Fees
- Account does not earn interest if balance is less than $25.
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What do I need to open a Moolah Moose Account?
A parent or guardian needs to bring their ID and the child's social security card.
Will the bank pay for good grades from the previous school year?
We unfortunately can only pay for the good grades of the period that most recently ended.
What grades count on the report card?
CNB will pay for the excellent grades in academic subjects, such as English, math, History, etc. The bank will not pay for Citizenship or Conduct grades.
Can Moolah Moose visit my elementary school?
Moolah Moose loves to visit with the kids! Contact Lindsey Roberts to setup a visit to your child's elementary school classroom.

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