Equifax, a consumer credit reporting agency, has reported that some of its data has been breached. Because Equifax is used by many businesses which conduct credit checks, the potential impact is huge. Equifax is used by landlords, utility companies, potential employers as well as lenders to verify credit histories. Equifax has reported that this cyber breach has the potential to touch more than 140 million consumers. We do not know if any of our customers data has been compromised as a result of this breach, but we want to make sure that you are aware. You can confirm whether you are at risk by going to this website, https://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com/ and by watching for information from Equifax.
Keep yourself safe from fraud.
Computers and smartphones are gateways to a world of information, entertainment and services. Unfortunately, they can also open the door to criminals who want to gain access to your personal and financial information for fraudulent purposes. With Citizens National Bank, you can minimize your risk of falling victim to scam artists and protect your money and identity.
Fraud Prevention
Learn how to spot online scams and protect yourself against fraud.
Mobile Security
Discover how to keep your smartphones and tablets safe.
Discover how to keep your smartphones and tablets safe.
Report Suspicious Activity
Know what steps to take when you suspect fraudulent activity.
Know what steps to take when you suspect fraudulent activity.
IMPORTANT! Citizens National Bank will never call or email you to ask for your account number or other confidential information. The only time we might ask for personal information (such as the last four digits of your Social Security Number) is when you contact us.

Trust us with all your checking needs.
We have a wide variety of personal checking accounts to meet your unique needs.